MMsINC Database Search
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MMsINC Ligand & Structure PDB Search

MMsINC Ligand & Structure PDB Search allows users to query the databse compounds using Ligand PDB. You can draw a Ligand PDB chemical structure using JME
or passing as input directly the SMILES or PDB codes. In fact the browser allows you to give a list of PDB codes. The list can contain up to 5 PDB codes.
All the MMsINC Ligand & Structure PDB Search are similarity searches using the Tanimoto coefficient to determine the similarity. This query of similarity is identical to
the similarity search for the MMsINC Structure Search.

Query Type


Query Data


JME Molecular Editor


Scenarios of MMsINC Ligand & Structure PDB Search


In order to be able to search Ligand PDB using MMsINC, you must click on the "MMsINC Search" button because the "Structure Search" is selected by default, as described in the figure below.

This Search mode present two types of query that we will describe in the two following scenarios.

I) Scenario 1: Search All the Ligand PDB which are similar to a structure depicted or SMILES given as input.Top

1. Enter the SMILES string in the textfield called "Query Data", or you can generate you SMILES from the structure depicted, using the JME applet.
2. Select the Tanimoto coefficient value that you want to use for your search.
3. Click on the "Search" in order to retrieve the Ligand PDB which are similar to your input.

MMsINC presents to the user the identified PDB ligands retrieved from the request submited in the figure above, with their structural diagram and the ligand code.
Selecting a specific ligand takes the user to the ligand report page

II) Scenario 2: Search All the Ligand PDB from a list of PDB codes given as input.Top
1. Enter a list of up to five PDB codes, in the textfield called "Query Data".
2. Click on the "Search" in order to retrieve the Ligand PDB present in this List.

It is possible that some PDB existing codes are not presents in MMSINC because we decided to keep only the proteins whose their ligands have a Tanimoto index superior at least 0.7 to our molecules.

MMsINC displays to the user the identified PDB ligands retrieved from the request submited in the figure above, with their structural diagram and the ligand code.
Selecting a specific ligand takes the user to the ligand report page